Brand Introduction | Healthy Crunch + Giveaway!*

healthy crunch kale chip giveaway

Recently I had the opportunity to test out some kale chips from a Canadian company, and I figured, hey, why not?  Now I want to preface this whole entire experience (and giveaway!) with the following: I have never had kale chips before.  I did not expect them to taste good. I figured they would be healthy.  Now, I also wanted to add that I am generally pretty open to trying new healthy foods and generally like to try to live a healthy life. When I was in high school I was able to convince myself that I liked green tea, because it was healthy, and now it’s the only tea I drink! So with all of that in mind... let's get started!

healthy crunch kale chip giveaway

Now, what was this opportunity?  Well Pure and Simple spa in Yorkville had a bit of an open house on for beauty bloggers showcasing green beauty.  Healthy Crunch was there sampling kale chips, and while I was skeptical I figured I wanted to try everything.  And…the crazy thing was, I actually enjoyed the Say Cheeze!  It didn’t just taste good for “healthy food”… it tasted good in general.

healthy crunch kale chip review

Healthy Crunch is a Canadian kale chip company. They are vegan, peanut free, and gluten free. I don’t have any dietary restrictions, but for those who do, these basically tick off all of the boxes. In testing each flavour, as a follow up to the spa event, my friend Brianna agreed to lend me a hand, eat some chips and drink some wine with me.  She is a celiac and was thrilled that she could actually eat these. I found it really interesting, in particular, how the Say Cheeze! manage to hit the nail on the head of a nacho cheese flavour, without using cheese.

Last weekend Brianna and I grabbed a bowl of strawberries (to cleanse the palette!), two glasses of Muscato (because we can) and a glass of water.  We pulled up some chairs on the patio and got to carefully tasting. I felt that tasting these chips would go better with a friend because first of all, everything is better with a friend, and second of all, a second set of taste buds really forces you to think about each flavour and talk about it before moving on to the next one. So without further adu, our thoughts on these kale chips:

healthy crunch kale chip review

For reference 


Over all we noticed how big each individual kale chip was, and how there weren’t really any crumbs.  Healthy Crunch takes care to make sure that they are putting properly sized chips in the bag.  They save the crumbs for “Kale Krumbs”… (more on that later).  We also noticed that the flavours were complex, and well described on the bag (but to keep our minds open we didn’t read the bag until after we had tried the chip). After eating what worked out to about a bag of kale chips each we felt full, but not heavy, just satisfied. 

Monkey Business

This is the chip that we were most aphrenrsive to try.  I wouldn’t really describe this as tasting chocolatey, it tasted more so like banana muffins. This one smelled really good I found that this flavour had a bit of a nutty after-taste. Brianna thought that these tasted good, but preferred the after-taste to the real taste.

Nearly Naked

We both found these to be the lest crunchy. They were pretty much what we expected, they were the lightest and were perfect for summer.

Say Cheeze!

This flavour was my favourite. Some how they nailed the cheesy flavour without using cheese. I think I also liked these because they tasted familiar. Like healthy Doritos.

Bollywood Blast

Brianna loved these!  To quote her: These taste just like having curry, but without any of the bad stuff. This one tasted like a sweet, mild curry with a mild after taste. These bright yellow chips were a real hit!

The Big Chipotle

These were the chips that my boyfriend (who stopped by for a few minutes before going back to the couch) liked the most.  Brianna and I tried these early on and we thought these were our favourite… until Say Cheeze! and Bollywood Blast had their turn. These had a smokey BBQ flavour with a kick.

healthy crunch kale chip review

I tried the chips on their own and paired with other things, and honestly I prefer the chips as a snack food. However, the Kale Krumbs… these come in a shaker and can be used for a bit of everything.  I tried taking some photos of these, but none of them turned out well.  However I have been enjoying using my Nearly Naked shaker as a crunchy salad topper in place of croutons.  I find they go really well with a Caesar salad.  My Say Cheeze! Shaker is a great popcorn topper, or soup topper!  I tried this on a tomato bisque… yummy! I don’t have a Monkey Business Kale Krumbs, but I broke up a big chip and put it on top of some plain oatmeal, and I really enjoyed that too.

healthy crunch kale chip review

Because I enjoyed testing these chips so much, of course I wanted to share some with you!  Entering is easy—just fill out this form.  If you are already following me, no need to follow & unfollow—you can just type it in.

healthy crunch kale chip review

Thanks for all your help Brianna!


-In order for your entry to be valid you must follow Classy On The Run on any one social media platform AND Healthy Crunch on any one social media platform.  You can earn additional entries for other actions.
-This contest is open to Canadian residents only-- sorry to my international readers!  I'll have some more great stuff for you later.
-You must be 18+ or have your parents permission to enter. 
-The winner will have 48 hours to reply to my email once they have been contacted.  If the winner does not reply a new winner will be chosen. The winner will receive a bag of each flavour of kale chips and a Kale Krumbs of their choice. 
-The prize will be shipped directly from Healthy Crunch.  
-This contest is only open to Canadian residents.
-You must be 18+ OR have your parent's permission.
-Contest ends on August 31st at midnight EST.
-Please leave genuine comments for comment related entries!
-Prize: a Kale Krumb shaker in a flavour of your choice and a bag of 1 of each flavour.Good luck everybody!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

This post is sponsored by Healthy Crunch.  All opinions are my own (and some are Brianna's!)


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