
Showing posts from February, 2017

My Every Day Products | February 2017

This month I thought that rather than do a "monthly favourites" type of post that I would instead talk a bit about the products that I have been using basically all month for my everyday work makeup. While I may switch the look up a bit day to day (eyeliner? No eyeliner? Bold lip? A pretty gloss?) the products I reach for tend to pretty much stay the same. Now, of course I swap things in and out as seasons change and as I get new goodies. But if I had to say "This is what I used this month" well this photo would sum it up. Most days when I have been doing my makeup this month it has been for work. My typical work look is pretty, clean and polished. I don't really reach into looks that are too exciting, save for a bold berry lip. My office is just that-- an office. I strive to look neat and presentable. Lately on the weekends I have been letting my skin just breathe while I pack up for the big move. For foundation I have been wearing my Clarins BB Detox Fluid* ap

Schwarzkopf Gliss Ultimate Repair & Canadian Launch

Earlier this month I was invited to the Schwarzkopf Gliss Canadian launch in downtown Toronto. Not only did I leave with a pretty side braid and a handmade, framed sketch of myself, but I left with some new products to strengthen my hair that I am excited to be sharing here with you today! This new launch includes five new lines: Colour Guard, Extra Volume, Ultimate Repair, Ultra+ Moisture and Oil Nutritive. Each line is unique, but is packed full of keratin which does all sorts of good things to help repair your hair. I thought it was pretty cool that we were able to leave with whatever collection was most suited to our needs. Since I don't have colour treated hair, and I don't need more volume those were easy to cross off the list. Down to the remaining three, I felt that the oil may weigh down my hair leaving me with something to repair or something to hydrate. When in doubt I usually go with hydration, but the PR lady suggested Ultimate Repair because she had been loving it

Pink Shirt Day Concert at Vaughan Mills!

Earlier this week I was invited by the team at Vaughan Mills to attend their first ever Pink Shirt Day concert! For those of you who don't know what Pink Shirt Day is, back in 2007 in a grade 9 boy was being bullied at a high school in Nova Scotia for wearing a pink shirt. Two fellow students bought 50 pink shirts at a discount supplier and handed them out to students the following morning. And as the story goes, the bullies were never heard from again. And while this story is beautiful and heartwarming, we all know that bullying continues to be a problem for our youth. On Wednesday February 22nd Vaughan Mills hosted their first ever Pink Shirt Day concert. This free concert included Ryland James, Megan DeAngelis and Juno nominated Tyler Shaw. Attended by mostly elementary aged students and their parents, it was clear from the energy in the room that this was exactly the kids idea of a great night. Many came decked out in pink, with more than enough energy to power the show. One pa

Something is Better Than Nothing | January & February Check In

Kate Moss once said that " Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels "-- and well, I wouldn't know. I've never really thought of myself as skinny, though looking back at high school me I wish I could just sit her down and say your skinny, don't stop exercising, stay where you are, right now. Just maintain that. Gain 10 pounds if you want. But I digress. Somewhere between graduating high school and graduating university life got busy, exercise basically came to a halt, salad became fries, my blog took up more time (and hey, I only needed a pretty face for that anyways), school took up time, I was working a lot, my boyfriend lived three hours away... and yeah. And now I am here, feeling every muscle in my body a day after a workout, writing a post about my first month back on the healthy living track. I'm pretty determined, I know I can do it if I put my mind to it. I just need to do it. This month I signed up for Rob Gordy's Fitness Bootcamp , located at 66 Ge

CLARINS | Multi-Active Day & Night

Clarins is a brand that is a bit newer to my skin care routine, but I have been so impressed by them in the months that I have been trying their products. You know about my love for their BB Detox Fluid, and today I am here to share with you the two products that I have been relying on in my skin care routine. I use Clarin's Multi-Active Day & Night Creams  for normal to dry skin. And it just dawned on me that the packaging in the photos is all in French. Anyways, back to the creams. In the winter I am looking for skin care products that pack a punch when it comes to moisture. Typically I have been using a night oil, but for the purposes of testing these products I obviously swapped that for the night cream. I have really enjoyed waking up without a coat of oil on my skin in the morning, so bonus points for that. In the morning I use the day cream and I find it hydrating and soothing on my skin. It has made my skin brighter and more even toned, while helping me fight winter dry

What I Learned At The National Bridal Show | & Pretty Pictures

As you may have saw on my social media, last weekend I was at the National Bridal Show. I had a blast presenting about skincare to brides with Simple, and wandering around the booths, snacking on samples and learning about some of the things I will need for when I am *actually* planning my wedding. Also! I got an idea of what a budget may look like, and what questions I should be asking. Loved the liquid nitrogen ice cream that the Club Links booth was handing out. The pistachio was my pick, and my friend Brianna loved the mango! I'm really glad I went before being engaged, because I feel like I have the time to think about some of the things I saw, with out the pressure of making a choice right now. It also helped me a bit with figuring out the kind of budget I would need for the wedding I want, and where there is the potential for savings. Photo from Paula Visco's booth at the National Bridal Show. These cute little photos are also her business cards! If there is one thing I

PACIFICA | Super Kale Shampoo & Conditioner

Let me start this whole review with a few key facts. First, it takes something extra for me to feel excited to write a review on shampoo and conditioner. Second, I have a lot of hair and so I go through shampoo and in particular, conditioner at a faster rate than average. And third, I am picky when it comes to my hair products. With all of that in mind, it should mean something when I say that I seriously love this duo. One of my favourite things about Generation Beauty LA was getting to hang out with one of my blogger friends, Lauren ( check out her blog here ). We went to many of the booths together, and really enjoyed talking with the lovely lady at Pacifica. While we were there Lauren was gushing about the Super Kale shampoo and conditioner ( her review here ). Long story short, the very lovely Pacifica lady sent me home with a bottle of each, and I am in love. So, thanks for suggesting these Lauren, and thank you for gifting them, Pacifica! As you may know, I have been spending mo

Bangkok Garden | Winterlicious 2017 (Gluten Free Friendly!)

Last weekend my friend and sometimes blog photographer Brianna joined me at the National Bridal Show, and afterwards we went out for dinner. Now, I don't really have any food restrictions, so I don't often pay attention to the vegetarian/vegan/gluten free etc menu options. Let's just say that gluten and Brianna are not the best of friends, so in picking our Winterlicious restaurant for dinner, the gluten free options mattered to me. Keep reading for the details on our meal at Bangkok Garden! As you can see, the menu is very  gluten friendly. Unlike most Winterlicious menus, those needing to stay as far away from gluten as humanly possible actually have a pretty big selection of meals. Brianna opted for the Coconut Mussel Soup , and she preferred the mussels to the soup, not really finishing the whole thing. I found the bowl and plate to be really cute. For what it's worth, it smelled very good! I decided on the Chicken Spring Rolls served with a tangy Thai sauce. They

Cold Winters & Tropical Drinks | Chic Choc Spiced Rum

We've been lucky with a mild winter in Toronto this year. But when the wind is snappy, wow do I ever start counting down the days until April or May. A few weeks ago I was in Cuba enjoying tropical drinks on the beach, so today I thought I would share one of my favourite tropical drinks to make at home. 1.5 oz Chic Choc Spiced Rum 0.5 oz lemon juice 2 oz peach juice 1 oz orange juice 1 oz club soda 1 oz grenadine Ice cubes Fruit to garnish In a blender mix a few ice cubes, the run, lemon juice, orange juice, and club soda. Fill a glass one third of the way with ice, and splash the grenadine on top. Pour the blender mix on top. Leave room in the glass to add the club soda. Granish with colourful fruits to make winter go away for a few moments. I used orange, lime and pineapple (and a small plastic mermaid). I like to think of this drink as more of an art than a science-- feel free to mix it up with your favourite fruit juices and garnishes! If you are under the legal drinking age fo