
Showing posts from January, 2017

Pre-Pre Wedding Planning & Dreaming | Spring National Bridal Show

I'm the girl who has half of her wedding planned since I was 16-- makes sense given that I am also the kind of girl to start a blog devoted to makeup, travel to the other end of the continent for a beauty conference, and take pictures of flowers basically every time I see them. When the team behind the Spring National Bridal show reached out to me to see if I would be interested in working with them to cover their upcoming show I was first flattered, then a tiny bit confused (I'm not engaged!), and then honestly really, really excited. Keep reading to learn a bit about the upcoming show, a bit about where I am at in my relationship, and why I think now is a great time for me to go to the show. I've always thought weddings were the most beautiful things. Let's just say when I was about 19 or 20 I was going on a Pinterest pinning spree, pinning all of the pretty wedding things my heart desired, and then my older cousin texted me asking me if there was something I wasn'

Holts Cafe | Winterlicious 2017

One of my favourite things about Fridays at my office is having the chance to grab lunch with my work friends. We love going to new places (though we may have a bit of a thing for chicken wings...) and trying new things. Winterlicious is one of my favourite times of the year in Toronto-- it gives me the opportunity to try new restaurants, and with the price fix menu it usually forces me to order something a bit outside of my usual comfort zone on the menu. This week my friends and I decided to check out Holts Cafe! I was actually there recently with my friend Emily M. (not for Winterlicious) but I was excited to go back! This post will be the first of a mini series I will be doing on Winterlicious-- basically I am planing on going to three or so restaurants and sharing my thoughts on them with you here. Holt's Cafe's Winterlicious lunch meal is $23 (plus tax, tip, and in my case, Diet Coke), and comes with an starter, main and dessert. You can view their menu here . To Start

Use Glycerin Effectively For Winter

If there is one beauty solution that you can blindly swear upon to save the life of your skin in the harshest of winters, then it is glycerine! How and why? Read on to know how to use glycerin so that it can benefit your skin as well as add the much required softness, suppleness and moisture that it tends to be robbed-off during winter.  Benefits of glycerin : -    For skin and hair treatment. Some of the most common and well-known glycerin benefits are below.    Using it as a toner & cleanser.    It helps retain water in the skin thus keeping it hydrated.    Helps remove clogged impurities and lighten & brighten skin tone.    Works best on oily skin & aids in keeping it clean and infection, acne,   pimples & blackheads free.    Skin smoothing.     Help heal cracks & dryness. How to use glycerin for skin : - Glycerin for skin is always a good option. If dry skin is your problem, regular use of glycerin will nourish it from deep within and aid i